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文章来源:湘潭大学物理学院 发布时间:2019-09-03 17:01:31 浏览次数:

时间:2019年9月4日 上午9:00-10:00




The structure of materials including crystal structure/symmetry, band structure, surface structure dictates its physical properties and its potential applications in electronic, optoelectronic and catalytic devices. Graphene and layered materials beyond graphene have gain much research interests due to their anisotropic bonding nature, which renders unique electronic properties not shown in bulk counterparts. My research interests focus on the controlled synthesis of graphene and 2D layered transition metal chalcogenides, further exploring the structure-property relationships. Bilayer graphene p-n junction has been synthesized by modulation doping chemical vapour deposition and its photocurrent generation mechanism has been ascribed as the photothermoelectric conversion mechanism. We also discover the formation of ultra-long ripples by scanning tunnelling microscopy. For the first time, the ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity in 2D In2Se3 nano-flakes are experimentally revealed, which have been used for high efficient photocurrent generation with the photoferroelectirc effects. With our synthesized WTe2 films, we explore its magnetoresistance and thermal conductivity. Using single crystalline MoS2 and WTe2 flakes as model catalysts and nano-device approach, we systemically discuss how the individual factors impact on the overall performance of hydrogen evolution reaction, including the Schottky barrier at the interface, thermodynamic Gibbs free energy, electrical conductivity of catalysis and the dielectric substrate effects.



喻, 2010本科毕业于四川大学材料科学系,随后被保送至北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院纳米中心攻读博士,师从刘忠范院士和彭海琳教授2015年获得北京大学理学博士学位,随后赴美国耶鲁大学(Yale)和北卡罗莱教堂山分校(UNC Chapel Hill)从事博士后研究,师从电镜及二维材料专家Prof. Judy Cha和光电子器件大师Prof. Jinsong Huang。研究领域为石墨烯及类石墨烯二维材料的可控合成、光电检测器件及能源催化器件研究,在石墨烯及过渡硫族化合物的可控制备、压电铁电性、热导性质和电化学析氢机制等方向取得了重要研究成果。相关成果发表在了Nature Communications., Physical Review Letters, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials等期刊上,并被美国众多高校和媒体报