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文章来源:湘潭大学物理学院 发布时间:2020-12-14 13:07:31 浏览次数:




单位:   湘潭大学

学院:   1382cm太阳在线玩游戏

  称: 教授

  箱: ylmao@xtu.edu.cn

毛宇亮,教授,物理学一级学科博士点博导,物理学一级学科硕士点硕导,电子信息仪器仪表工程专业学位硕士点导师。湘潭大学韶峰学者学术带头人,入选湖南省121创新人才工程,湖南省科技人才托举工程中青年学者。湖南省仪器仪表学会副理事长,湖南省物理学会常务理事,湖南省传感器促进专委会常委。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家GF基础科研项目、JWKJW技术加强项目等国家级项目、湖南省自然科学基金面上项目等国家、省部级项目10余项。在Advance   Functional MaterialsPhysical Review BApplied   Physics Letters等发表学术论文80余篇。论文被Nature   PhysicsNature CommunicationsPhysical   Review Letters等国际著名期刊多次引用。其中Mn掺杂双层石墨烯的工作被国际同行评价为碳基自旋电子学的奠基性突破(Ground Breaking);石墨烯过渡金属吸附的计算设计模型被Nature Physics实验制作成门电压器件、最细碳纳米管的生存能力文章被英国皇家物理学会评为NanotechnologyTop100文章”。以第一完成人获得授权国家发明专利2项。主持获得了湖南省自然科学奖二等奖、湖南省仪器仪表学会科技奖二等奖等奖励;作为骨干成员获教育部自然科学奖二等奖、湖南省自然科学一等奖等省部级自然科学奖励。


2000.7—至今    湘潭大学 任教

2016 美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校(University of Nebraska–Lincoln 访问学者

2012 法国原子能署原子模拟实验室(CEA Grenoble, France)访问学者

2010 德国马普固体物理研究所(Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research,   Stuttgart, Germany)博士后


2008.12  湘潭大学 1382cm太阳在线玩游戏 凝聚态物理专业 获博士学位

2004.06  湘潭大学 1382cm太阳在线玩游戏 凝聚态物理专业 获硕士学位

1996.6—2000.6  湘潭大学 物理学专业 本科








[1]      Yuliang Mao*,   Tongzhou Deng, Yuxuan Li, Feng He, The GeSe/SnSe heterojunction photodetector   with self-powered characteristics and high infrared response performance,   Applied Physics Letters 124, 181106 (2024).

[2]      Xianghe Liu, Yuliang   Mao*, Controllable electrical contact characteristics of   graphene/Ga2X3 (X = S, Se) ferroelectric   heterojunctions, Applied Physics Letters 125, 043102 (2024).

[3]      Yuliang Mao*,   Jicai Deng, Hao Chen, Xin Wu, Controllable preparation and photoelectric   properties of oriented two-dimensional GeSe2 nanobelt arrays,   Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 222103 (2023).

[4]      Yuliang Mao*,   Zihua Yao, Two-dimensional germanene-based Janus material Ge8HnX8−n   (n = 0–8, X = F, Cl, Br, I) for photovoltaic and photocatalytic applications,   Applied Surface Science 598, 153633 (2022).

[5]      Xiaotong Zou, Haining   Ji*,Yong Zhao,Mingying Lu,Jundong Tao, Pinghua Tang,Bin Liu, Xitao   Yu and Yuliang Mao*, Research Progress of Photo-/Electro-Driven   Thermochromic Smart Windows, Nanomaterials 11(12), 3335 (2021).

[6]      Pinghua Tang*,   Mulin Luo, Ting Zhao, Yuliang Mao*, Generation of noise-like   pulses and soliton rains in a graphene mode-locked erbium-doped fiber ring   laser, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 22,   303-311 (2021)

[7]      Yuliang Mao*,   Yize Li, Theoretical study on the anomalies of the magnetic susceptibility in   the honeycomb lattice compound Na2Co2TeO6,   Phys. Rev. B 102, 054414 (2020).

[8]      Yuliang Mao*,   Congsheng Xu et al., A two-dimensional GeSe/SnSe heterostructure for high   performance thin-film solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7,   11265-11271 (2019).

[9]      Yuliang Mao*,   Gang Guo, Jianmei Yuan, Jianxin Zhong, Edge-doping effects on the electronic   and magnetic properties of zigzag germanium selenide nanoribbon, Applied   Surface Science 464, 236-242 (2019).

[10]   Hongquan Zhao*,   Yuliang Mao*, Xin Mao, Xuan Shi, Congshen Xu, Chunxiang Wang,   Shangmin Zhang, Dahua Zhou, Band structure and photoelectric characterization   of GeSe monolayer, Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1704855 (2018).

[11]   Gang Guo, Yuliang Mao*,   Jianxin Zhong et al., Design lithium storage materials by lithium adatoms   adsorption at the edges of zigzag silicene nanoribbon: A first principle   study, Applied   Surface Science   406, 161 (2017).

[12]   Hong-Quan Zhao*, Xin   Mao, Dahua Zhou, Shuanglong Feng, Xuan Shi*, Yong Ma, Xingzhan Wei and   Yuliang Mao*, Bandgap modulation of MoS2 monolayer by thermal   annealing and quick cooling, Nanoscale 8, 18995-19003 (2016).

[13]   Yuliang Mao*, Wenping   Hao et al., Edge-adsorption of potassium adatoms on graphene nanoribbon: A   first principle study, Applied Surface Science 280, 698 (2013).

[14]   Yuliang Mao*, G.   Malcolm Stocks, Jianxin Zhong*, First-principles study of the doping effects   in bilayer graphene. New Journal of Physics 12, 033046 (2010).

[15]   Yuliang Mao*, Jianxin   Zhong*, The computational design of junctions by carbon nanotubes insertion   into graphene matrix. New Journal of Physics 11, 093002 (2009).

[16]   Yuliang Mao*, Jianxin   Zhong*, Structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of manganese doping   in the upper layer of bilayer graphene. Nanotechnology 19, 205708 (2008).

[17]   Yuliang Mao*, Jianmei   Yuan, Jianxin Zhong*, Density functional calculation of transition metal   adatom adsorption on graphene. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 20, 115209 (2008).

[18]   Yuliang Mao, Xiaohong   Yan*, Yang Xiao, Jun Xiang, Yurong Yang, Hailin Yu, First-principles study of   the (2, 2) carbon nanotube, Phys. Rev. B 71, 033404 (2005).

[19]   Yuliang Mao, Xiaohong   Yan*, Yang Xiao, First-principles study of transition metal doped   single-walled carbon nanotubes,Nanotechnology 16,3092-3096, (2005)

[20]   Yuliang Mao, Xiaohong   Yan*, Yang Xiao, Jun Xiang, Yurong Yang, Hailin Yu, The viability of 0.3 nm   diameter carbon nanotubes, Nanotechnology 15, 1000–1003 (2004).


2023       传感技术创新与应用十大先进人物,湖南省传感器产业促进会

2021       湖南省自然科学奖       二等奖    排名第一       湖南省人民政府

2017       教育部高等学校科学研究自然科学奖 二等奖  排名第五       教育部

2013       湖南省自然科学奖       一等奖    排名第三       湖南省人民政府

2019       湖南省仪器仪表学会科技奖       二等奖    排名第一       湖南省仪器仪表学会



